New Years Day – No Wednesday Service
- No Wednesday Service
- No Wednesday Service
Rock Women Open & Conceal Focus Group This monthly group will inform and guide you on the fundamentals of rules, laws and safety. Add this date to your calendar. No weapon needed
Take this Journey to victory, restoration, and healing that will help you to identify the root cause of your inner and relational conflicts, and then take action to heal the wound | and experience newfound hope and freedom of heart and soul. The program uses a combination of Bible based video teachings, short reading assignments,
Water Baptism is for anyone wanting to follow Jesus' example to us found in scripture. Please wear dark clothing, bring a towel, and dry clothes to change into afterward. Sign up at the Sign-Up table in the commons area. For more information on what water baptism - click here
This is a friendly reminder that the Arizona Rock N Half Marathon returns Sunday January 19th. There will be restrictions on Scottsdale Rd from McDowell to Main St in old town from 6:30am – 11:30am. Traffic will remain open northbound Scottsdale Road from McDowell to Osborn where traffic will have to turn right and head
Read The New Testament In 90 Days Join us on a journey through the 260 chapters of the New Testament over the next 90 days. From the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, all the way to the final book of Revelation, God will speak to you throughout the teachings of those who were
If you've ever felt like you just can't get in control of your money, you're not alone. You'd be surprised how many people you know are struggling just like you. But it's time for your struggle to end—starting today. Join our Financial Peace University class starting on Monday, January 27th on Zoom at 6:30 pm. Learn how
Join us for Prayer & Worship Night in Scottsdale Wednesday January 29 - 6:30pm - 8:00pm WORSHIP NIGHT FAQS WHAT IS PRAYER & WORSHIP NIGHT? Prayer & Worship Night is a time dedicated specifically to worship and prayer; it’s a time to gather together in song, giving all glory and honor to God. It’s a
With Special Guest: Blair Wood Speaker & Church Planter Worship • Word • Food Saturday, February 8th 8am-10am Rock Church Scottsdale 2012 N. Scottsdale Road. Scottsdale, AZ 85257 Registration & Meal $10
Monthly – 2nd Saturdays at 10am Group Info: Open to Women and Men, 18+ All Abilities, to connect with one another to inform, guide and grow as a church family, and to apply and justly live under: - God’s Law and Standards, - U.S. and State Founding Documents, Constitutional Amendments and Citizen Rights, and learn - Self Defense and other Various Techniques. Annual Schedule of Group Events – Topic(s) - Location: JAN – Group Introduction, Information & Annual Updates –