Vision Statement: To encourage women to serve together as one to fulfill the mission of the church.
Scripture Verse: “Do everything in love.” 1 Cor. 16:14
Motto: “Together as one”
Pledge: “As one we serve, As one we grow, As one we heal, We stand . . . TOGETHER AS ONE!”
Fellowship Of Christian Unified Sisters
Groups with activities and interests like: crafting, book clubs, Bible studies, cooking, hiking, gardening etc.
Groups, places and times to be announced. These are small groups that meet at different times and places and are based on the interests and needs of women. Like to start one up?
Contact us at: [email protected]
(verb) definition: to grow or develop vigorously, flourish – to prosper or be successful
This will be a Spring event that will help women THRIVE in every way! It will be focused on growth!
Annual Events
Imagine Women’s Conference
Fall Retreat
– Life Workshops (parenting, marriage, etc.)
Rock Church Women’s Facebook
Rock Church Instagram: rockchurchag
Women’s Ministry Instagram: @women_of_rock_church
Important Links
Arizona Women’s Ministry
This is our women’s website for the state of Arizona.
You will go here to register for state events like retreats and conferences.
National Assemblies of God Women’s Ministry
This is our national women’s website where you can find a wealth of information, tools and more.